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Game lag, freezes


Game lag, freezes

If you experience lags when playing from an account with an active or previously enabled Premium subscription, first of all, you should change the proxy for this account.
This oprion is available in "VIP/PA/Premium" section of My Account control panel on rpg-club website.
The change of proxy remains available in the personal account even after the expiration of the Premium subscription period.

If you cannot solve the problem on your own, you can contact support with the following information:

1. Describe the type of lag you're experiencing: charactrers only, whole game window etc.

2. Make tracing and include the information received in your support ticket.

To make tracing open command menu "Run" (in OS Windows: Start - Programs - Standard - Run)
Enter the command tracert files01.rpg-club.org
Copy the information and add it to your ticket.

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Связанные статьи Premium Account
Game client errors
Additional window/box functionality
Account registration
Critical errors and Solutions
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Идентификатор статьи: 41
Дата добавления: 2011-12-29 21:42:30
Просмотры: 2967
Рейтинг (Голоса): Рейтинг статьи 3.3/5.0 (55)

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