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Account security - important information


Dear players!

ATTENTION! We remind you that Administrators and GMs never ask for the password to your account, neither in the game, nor on forums, nor anywhere else. If someone turns to you, posing as a representative of the administration, and requires you to provide access to your account, this is a scam. Please immediately report such cases to the project administration via the support request form!

Login, password, as well as e-mail and password from it must be different and not match with the nicknames of the characters on the account.

Never use your date of birth, your known nicknames, phone number or other personal information that is easy to find out as a password.

If you are interested in your account security, please, take this message seriously!

There have been a lot of account hacks recently, which the administration cannot protect you from, as these are users’ e-mails that have been hacked.
Do you want to lose your e-mail, which contains your game account registration info let alone much more confidential information about you ?
You need only FEW MINUTES to secure your account from this.

Change passwords for your e-mail and account for UNIQUE ones and never use them anywhere else.

Every day we use the same preferred password for registrations on different websites and forums.
It’s utterly wrong!
At least your e-mail password must be unique.

In case you want to know the hack mechanics, it is very simple:

Hacker steals database of some forum, decrypt passwords (sometimes they are not even encrypted!). Thus he gets e-mail-password pairs and then checks their validity on e-mail servers. If a person uses same passwords for e-mail and hacked forum account, his/her e-mail becomes easy target for the hacker. Moreover, some people have the same logins for e-mail and game accounts, which makes the hack even easier.
It's up to you to secure your e-mail account!

Don't think it doesn't concern you, take precautions in advance!

So to prevent your account hack you need to use UNIQUE passwords for your e-mail and game accounts. This mostly affects your forums, blogs etc. passwords, because they are totally unprotected. If you use unique password for your e-mail, the risk of its being hacked is minimal. We strongly recommend that you change them right now, because you may not even remember where you used your usual password before. And maybe it’s already being checked by the hacker.

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Связанные статьи Account registration
Registration e-mail recovery
Account hacked/ingame valuables theft
Account access recovery
IP protection [FAQ]
Метаданные статьи
Идентификатор статьи: 33
Дата добавления: 2011-09-12 10:24:46
Просмотры: 5632
Рейтинг (Голоса): Рейтинг статьи 2.3/5.0 (138)

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