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Ingame items for donations


Ingame items for donations

Donate currency (RUR) can be used to make purchases in the game store, pay for functions and services presented in the user's Account control panel on the site, as well as for exchange and trade between players.

The full assortment of game items, boosters, consumables, etc. that can be purchased for donate currency is presented in the game store of the corresponding server.

The administration does not sell any game items or benefits for donate currency on an individual basis.
Please do not contact support with such offers.

We also remind you that rpg-club server rules prohibit the sale and purchase of game items/characters/accounts for real-world currencies. If you are offered something to buy/sell for real money, you should report the violation to the administration.

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Violations and Penalties List
Annex No 1 to End-user License Agreement
Premium Account
Account registration
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Идентификатор статьи: 26
Дата добавления: 2010-12-17 15:56:01
Просмотры: 9186
Рейтинг (Голоса): Рейтинг статьи 4.0/5.0 (327)

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